Using the popular hobbyist 3D printers has allowed Skunkworks team members to build enclosures and other customized objects for a large variety of uses. Some examples are below.

This 3D printed SatNOGS rotator provides azimuth and elevation rotation for satellite antennas.

This 3D printed rack holds the networking router and provides 14 slots for either a Raspberry Pi or a SDR radio. It’s rack-mounted in the Clubhouse satellite room and holds most of the Skunkworks projects.

This 3D printed enclosure contains an Arduino Mega and is used to control the relays that connect the satellite operating antennas to the transmitter and SDR receiver.

This 3D printed mount holds the Othernet receiver clamped to the mounting pole.

This 3D printed case holds the Othernet receiver

These 3D printed mounts hold the relays for the satellite antennas and the diplexer that joins the 2 meter and 70 cm antennas for the SDR receiver